600 Ton "Clearing" Knucklejoint Press
(For detailed specifications scroll this screen down)


Manufacturer:                   Clearing
Model:                                K 1600 - 36
Rated total force:              600 tons
Bed Area:                          40" X 40"
Ram Area:                         34"(LR) X  37"(FB)
Ram style:                          Fully gib guided AND Plunger Guided
Stroke:                               4"
Adjustment:                       ½”
Shut Height:                      26"
Speed:                                30 SPM
Height:                               217" above floor
                                            13" pit (to clear nuts)

         This a clean machine, now removed from the plant in one piece, laid over,
         tarped, and ready for shipment.   The famous-name factory has verified
         that parts are still available and that "this model is one of the best
         presses we ever built"  With the unique "Plunger Guided Ram" it is so
         well designed and constructed that they even told us "it's overbuilt and can
         usually sustain running at overcapacity (even as much as 700+ tons) for years."

Price, ex location, ready for loading, near Toronto, only  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48,000.00 USD

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